Rotate resources

Utilise all of your organisation’s resources by setting alerts for consumable equipment when they are close to their expiry dates. This gives departments a chance to rotate any stock with other areas more likely to use it in time.

Frequency of checks reduced

The advanced tamper proof security the platform uses means it will only make you go into a check if the security seal number has changed or if there are any expiring or missing items for your carrier. This means the only equipment stored outside the secured area needs regular inspection.

Annual audits made easy

Gathering data from paper checks from across a whole organisation can take months. MyKitCheck is constantly compiling this data, so it is ready to go in an instant saving on staff time and provides the most up to date and more insightful results.

Locate recalled pieces of kit immediately

The batch number and expiry date lookup feature allows you to find out instantly if you have a recalled item in circulation. MyKitCheck will also tell you the specific carriers holding the affected stock so they can be removed right away. This can save potentially hours of staff time and put patient’s safety first.

Take medically trained staff off checks

The platform gives users explicit instruction of what to check for and also can display images of items. This enables healthcare assistants and housekeepers to carry out equipment checks freeing up medically trained staff time.

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